Thoughts on Technology Tools
It is apparent that the future of education is going to primarily be web-based post COVID and I think this approach has both pros and cons. One, we as a society will realize that a formal education does not need occur in a fixed setting and that many institutions as a whole are more of a money generating entity than a place of education. For example, with many sports oriented schools that rely on athletics for money generation, we are seeing a nonchalant attitude towards a global pandemic and the safety of students whereas institutions that generate the majority of their revenue through actual educational practices are taking this global health risk seriously.
The tools for online teaching are vital in ensuring a proper web-based learning experience and can most definitely affect the performance of a student in a course. One issue we are seeing currently is how older professors who are not well versed in technology are struggling quite a bit in this online teaching environment. This is unfortunate but only shows the rapid modernization of the education system in this country. After an initial walkthrough, I believe this course has properly been set up for students to learn online. By creating pages that clearly outline course requirements and equipping us with tools such a website building pages will be beneficial for us students in the long term. Much of the world is now online so being literate in this area is almost a necessity and this literacy starts with learning about how websites are created and optimized to suit their clientele. By the end of this course, I hope to not only have a good understanding of Indian Epics but also how to create a blog and run a functional website.
(The rise in the prevalence of technology in everyday life, Flickr)
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