This Course and My Time Strategies

 Considering this is my last semester at The University of Oklahoma, it is safe to say that I have gained some valuable insight in how to manage one's time at university. As I progressed through my undergrad I watched many videos, read many books, and combed through serval articles to learn how to best utilize my time and energy. Some books that I read were "Atomic Habits," by James Clear and "Limitless," by Jim Kwik. An example of an article I read was "3 Steps to Recapture Time," by Joynicole Martinez What these books and articles taught me were how important prioritizing and dividing my time really was. Pre-college I was someone who would just go with the flow of the day and let it take me wherever it wanted but as my course load and responsibilities increased I learned this method would just not hold up. Instead, taking command of my day would need to be imperative as well as setting up a schedule of what to do and when. By scheduling assignments and leisure into my weekly schedule I was able to perform by best at school and still have time to do what I loved. I hope to continue these habits as I grow older and enter medical school!

                             Time Management Business - Free photo on Pixabay

                    (Time management is one of the most important tools for any high achiever, pixabay)


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